Thursday 17 January 2013

Common Mistakes in English


What is the difference between Fun and Funny?

Both can be used as adjectives (words that describe something)

Fun Means: When you enjoy yourself and have a good time.
Funny means: something that makes you laugh.

  • A comedian is FUNNY..
  • Going to an amusement park is FUN..
FUN can be used as a Noun showing Enjoyment or Pleasure.
I had lots of FUN last night at the party.
We hope you have fun at the wedding tomorrow.

Fun as a noun can also be used to describe good humour and playful behaviour of a person.
  • She is a fun person to be with.

Quick Check:
Are the situations below FUN or FUNNY?

  1. A party with friends is .....
  2. A clown is ....
  3. Playing a game is ......
  4. Visiting new places is .....

Answers: 1. Fun 2. Funny 3. Fun 4. Fun

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